Some people.

I'm a stalker. I openly admit it. I stalk my friends on Facebook. I stalk their blogs. It's my way of staying part of their lives. WELL...there is one blog I read by someone who is no longer my friend. I have to stop reading it because everytime I do it makes me ill. This person is married to a man that has an ex-wife and daughter. This woman spends 2 out of every 5 blogs bashing the ex-wife. And really with no good reason. Mostly because she can't understand the ex-wife's point of view.

What makes me ill about it, is that I'm an ex-wife. There are times that I make decisions that I know my ex-husband and his soon-to-be wife do not agree with. I know my ex-hubby thinks I'm neurotic and over-protective. But those are my babies. I would seriously curl up and die if anything happened to them. I never want to see them hurting or sad. Especially if it was because of something I did or allowed them to do.

So when she bashes this ex-wife and bad mouths her on the blog. It physically makes me ill. What if Liz (the soon-to-be wife) was bad mouthing me like that. What if she put it out in public like this woman does? What if my kids came across it and saw what she was writing about me? While Liz and I will never be friends, I would hope she would respect me and try to be understanding. I also hope she would never hurt my kids by writing terrible thing about me publicly.

I just had to get that off my chest. Now I'm deleting the bookmark to the blog so that I never ever read it again.

Get 'er done.

That's it. No more slacking off. The scale has tipped at 185.8. My new official heaviest weight ever. So I'm back to Weight Watchers Online AND Hopefully with a few shoves from some dear friends I will get this done.