A new month is here! The "holidays" are in full swing. We're one month closer to our wedding. And we're almost into a New Year!
We had a productive Thanksgiving weekend...Thanksgiving with my family on Thursday, a date night on Friday, followed by removing more bushes and putting up a few sections of fence on Saturday, and Thanksgiving with my future in-laws on Sunday. It was a perfect weekend.
Somehow this week we've also managed to get some Christmas decorations outside and the tree up and decorated inside. Oh, AND I have completely finished shopping for my kids and nieces!
So I should be feeling great, right? WRONG!
Why? My life is damn near perfect so shouldn't I be doing cartwheels?
For a longtime now I have wonder if I suffer from a disease. Seasonal Affected Disorder or SAD (how appropriate).
I live in New England where at this time of year we have maybe 7 to 8 hours of daylight per day. Notice I didn't say sun. We don't really see the sun but some days are brighter than others. Anyway since I'm up about 17 hours a day (5am to 10pm) this means MORE than half my day is spent in darkness.
My symptoms are a complete lack of motivation to do anything, I'm tired no matter how much or how well I sleep, and I'm mopey for no reason. Really no reason because there is nothing in my life that I would change right now. Also, I don't feel like this in the summer. In the summer I feel fabulous. I have tons of energy and I'm in a great mood all the time.
So I have pretty much diagnosed myself with SAD. Fortunately I have a friend that has been trying light therapy. Light therapy is very basically when you use a lamp with special lights for 20 minutes or so a day to "give you a boost". She likes it, another friend who lives in a crappy Michigan bought on for herself and is going to try it. I figured what the heck can it hurt. For $30 I might feel better. SOLD!
I'm excited for it to get here so can try it! Let's hope it helps!
We had a productive Thanksgiving weekend...Thanksgiving with my family on Thursday, a date night on Friday, followed by removing more bushes and putting up a few sections of fence on Saturday, and Thanksgiving with my future in-laws on Sunday. It was a perfect weekend.
Somehow this week we've also managed to get some Christmas decorations outside and the tree up and decorated inside. Oh, AND I have completely finished shopping for my kids and nieces!
So I should be feeling great, right? WRONG!
Why? My life is damn near perfect so shouldn't I be doing cartwheels?
For a longtime now I have wonder if I suffer from a disease. Seasonal Affected Disorder or SAD (how appropriate).
I live in New England where at this time of year we have maybe 7 to 8 hours of daylight per day. Notice I didn't say sun. We don't really see the sun but some days are brighter than others. Anyway since I'm up about 17 hours a day (5am to 10pm) this means MORE than half my day is spent in darkness.
My symptoms are a complete lack of motivation to do anything, I'm tired no matter how much or how well I sleep, and I'm mopey for no reason. Really no reason because there is nothing in my life that I would change right now. Also, I don't feel like this in the summer. In the summer I feel fabulous. I have tons of energy and I'm in a great mood all the time.
So I have pretty much diagnosed myself with SAD. Fortunately I have a friend that has been trying light therapy. Light therapy is very basically when you use a lamp with special lights for 20 minutes or so a day to "give you a boost". She likes it, another friend who lives in a crappy Michigan bought on for herself and is going to try it. I figured what the heck can it hurt. For $30 I might feel better. SOLD!
I'm excited for it to get here so can try it! Let's hope it helps!