This weekend was perfect! Friday night we stayed home and had a simple night with the kids. Gregg and Michelle hung the Christmas lights outside, we had a yummy clam boil, and relaxed watching Christmas specials. Saturday we went to see Cinderella's Christmas as part of our niece Sam's birthday party. Later that night, while my kids stay with my future in-laws, Gregg and I caught up with my good friend and her hubby for drinks and dinner in Providence. And Sunday was amazing. After Gregg made a big breakfast and I helped his mom prep for dinner, we headed over to Wickford Village. There we saw Santa come in on a boat accompanied by reindeer in kayaks!!! It was very cool! After a little Christmas shopping with my future sister-in-law we head back to Gregg's parents' house for Hanukkah. Phyllis and I made the latkes. We had matzah ball soup, and brisket, and potatoes, and carrots, and tons of desserts. Gregg's dad and his friends led us in the prayers and the kids lite the Menorah. We even played dreidel. Which is a surprisingly fun game!
My in-laws are wonderful people. They've accepted my children as their own grandchildren. They treat me with such warmth and love. I definitely can see why Gregg is such an amazing person. I am such a lucky girl and my holidays will be merrier than ever this year.